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Authorizations Services

Register Power of Attorney (Owner)

Authorize a trusted legal representative to perform transactions on your behalf.

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Register Power of Attorney (Representative)

Here, legal representatives can self-authorize themselves to perform transactions on the owner’s behalf.

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Register Power of Attorney (Third Party)

Here, third parties can authorize a trusted legal representative to perform transactions on the owner’s behalf.

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Certificate services

Title deed (Unit)

Request the issuance of a Title Deed for you unit.

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Certificate of owned properties

Request the issuance of properties ownership certificate.

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Verification Certificate (Land)

Request the issuance of a verification certificate for your land.

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Title Deed (Land)

Request the issuance of a Title Deed for your plot.

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 Site plan

Request the issuance of a site plan for your property.

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Verification Certificate (Unit)

Request the issuance of a verification certificate for your residential unit

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Finance & Mortgages services

Register Unit Mortgage

Begin the registration process for your unit mortgage contract.

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Register a Property Mortgage Contract

Begin the registration process for a property mortgage contract.

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Request Property Mortgage Redemption

Request to issue a release certificate for your property mortgage.

  • AED 50 registration fees
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Property Management Agreement services

Register Property Management Agreement -Company

Here, individuals or organizations can register a Property Management Agreement (PMA).

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Register Property Management Agreement - Freehold

Here, individuals or organizations can register a Property Management Agreement (PMA).

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Terminate Property Management Agreement

Here, individuals or organizations can terminate their Property Management Agreement (PMA).

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Renew Property Management Agreement

Here, individuals or organizations can renew their Property Management Agreement (PMA).

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Terminate Property Management Agreement

Request to Terminate a Property Management Agreement (PMA) with a possessory mortgage

  • AED 50 registration fees
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Modify Property Management Agreement

Request to Modify a Property management Agreement (PMA) with a possessory mortgage

  • AED 50 registration fees
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Tenancy contract services

Register Tenancy contract

Request to register a tenancy contract in Dari.

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Renew Tenancy Contract

Renew your existing tenancy contract (i.e. rental agreement).

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Modify Tenancy Contract

Make modifications to your existing tenancy contract (i.e. rental agreement).

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Cancel Tenancy Contract

Request to cancel your existing tenancy contract (i.e. rental agreement).

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Close Tenancy Contract

For expired tenancy contracts (i.e. rental agreements), you can complete the closure process here.

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Terminate Tenancy Contract by court order

Apply to terminate your tenancy contract (i.e. rental agreement).

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Close Tenancy Contract

Request to Close Tenancy Contract for multiple units.

  • AED 50 registration fees
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Cancel Tenancy Contract

 Tenancy contracts multiple units cancellation

  • AED 50 registration fees
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Transaction Services

Wavier of musataha

Wave your existing Musataha agreement (i.e. Musataha) to a new Musateh.

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Transfer long lease contract to musataha

Transfer a long lease to a Musataha.

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