Here, you can register new tenancy contract in Dari. Once approved, your contract will be automatically added to Tawtheeq.
If any additional information or documentation is required, you may attach an appendix.
Residential tenancy contracts will require adding occupants if the tenant is an individual.
Registration Tenancy contract Fees
Residential (company & individual):
Municipality fees: 5% applies to non-local tenants for annual rent (no less than 450 DHS)
For contract durations under four years: a payment of 50 DHS is required per contract.
Commercial & Industrial
Municipality fees: No fees
For contract durations under four years: a payment of 50 DHS is required per contract.
For contract durations of four years or more: an annual payment of 50 DHS is required.
Electronic Administrative Services Allowance Fees = AED 35 (excl. VAT 5%)
Tenancy Contract (Tawtheeq)