The bank, owner, or POA can initiate this service on DARI. Through this service, you can modify a property mortgage on land/unit such as the contract amount, duration, or terms.
Required Documents
• Mortgage Contract (Uploaded by the bank maker modification).
• Mortgage Release Letter (Uploaded by the bank maker release).
Business rules
The owner, POA, and property should not have any blocks.
Valid EID (for UAE residents).
Valid passport (for non-UAE residents).
Valid trade license (for companies).
Users cannot modify the mortgage degree if there is another active contract of the same degree, but they have the option to swap them.
Users can make modifications to multiple contracts with different shares related to a single property. The modification will be specific to the modified shares.
This service applies to NHL mortgage contracts.
The contract details that can be modified through this service are:
Users can remove certain properties to be released.
Mortgage amount: A valuation company is required.
Mortgage duration: only the end date can be modified.
Mortgage type: Users cannot change from possessory to insurance mortgages and vice versa.
Terms of contract.
The permissions for the modification bank maker differ from those of the registration bank maker and the release bank maker.
The modification bank checker differs from the release bank checker.
Service Fees
Request Property Mortgage Modification Fees:
If the new mortgage amount is more than the old one = 0.09% of the difference between the two amounts
If the new mortgage amount is less than the old one = AED 50
Modify Mortgage Degree = AED 180
Modify Contract Duration = AED 900
Modify the terms of the contract = AED 50
If there is a property mortgage release = 900 AED per property